
Class of 2022 Distinguished 校友 and Speaker Honorees

Congratulations to our newest class of distinguished alumni and friends for 2022. 和我们一起庆祝这些根据个人成就选出的杰出获奖者, 专业成就, community service involvement and support of the mission of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.

collage of speakers from top left: 乔埃塔·迪·贝拉·萨特, 弗兰克·阿尔瓦雷斯, 特蕾西·多伊尔, Erika哈姆登, Helane支持者, 埃尔希Alabi-Gonzalez

We invite you to learn more about our honorees:



乔埃塔·迪·贝拉·萨特 holds a bachelor’s degree in English from 十大博彩推荐排名州立. Deviating from her initial plans to become an English teacher, 相反,乔埃塔在电视和广播媒体制作方面开始了成功的职业生涯,从曼哈顿到好莱坞. 艾美奖获奖制片人, 她因在KTLA第五频道的工作获得了几项洛杉矶地区艾美奖,并曾在电视学院多元化委员会及其基金会教育委员会任职.
在她的职业生涯中, 她还制作了该电视台的家庭电影节,并制作和编写了一些好莱坞圣诞节和玫瑰游行. 退休前, she put her love of history to use as an archivist for the Pasadena Tournament of Roses.

最近, after visiting the campus for her 50th reunion together with her husband, 克里斯, 他们被击中了, 特别是, by the direction of the School of Communication and Media and its state-of-the-art building. 他们共同决定通过命名战略传播中心,为学院及其学生提供慷慨的支持. 新的乔埃塔·迪·贝拉和弗雷德·C. Sautter III战略传播中心是传播与媒体学院最先进的传播中心,将行业领先的工具带入动态的教学和学习空间. 该中心将通过在社交倾听平台上的实践指导,帮助培养下一代战略传播专业人士, 消费者洞察分析, 内容创建应用程序, 以及灵活的媒体制作工具.



Dr. 弗兰克·阿尔瓦雷斯(弗兰克·阿尔瓦雷斯)是一名教育顾问,协助各地区改善教育实践,重点关注少数民族学生的成绩, 特殊教育, 主要有效性. 在他的职业生涯中, he has served as superintendent of schools in four districts—North Caldwell (NJ), 河谷(新泽西), 十大博彩推荐排名(新泽西)和赖伊(纽约).

在他职业生涯的早期, 他在地方一级任教并担任多个行政职务,并在几个特殊倡议中为新泽西州教育部工作. More recently, he served as adjunct instructor for the M.A. program in Educational Leadership at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.

Dr. Alvarez has received appointments to several regional and national boards including the Middle States Commission on Elementary and Secondary Education (finance committee co-chair); Tri State Consortium (chair); the Victoria Foundation (president); Panasonic’s NJ Superintendents’ Network (founding member); and Pearson Education’s Hispanic Advisory Board (member).

Dr. Alvarez received a BA from 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 in Communication Sciences and Disorders, and an MA and EdD in Educational Administration from Teachers College, 哥伦比亚大学. He was on the MSU 校友 Association board from 1997-2008, serving as president from 2006-2008. In 2008, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 awarded him an Honorary Doctorate for his contributions to the field of education.
Dr. Alvarez and his wife, Nancy ’76, ’02 MA, live in River Vale, NJ.


特蕾西·多伊尔, 87年

特雷西·多伊尔(特蕾西·多伊尔)是eNOVA的管理合伙人, a medical communications software and services company serving the Life Sciences Industry. 寻找解决行业挑战的创造性解决方案,设计帮助医疗保健提供者联系并了解科学和医学进展的创新参与产品,是道尔的激情所在.

A results-driven leader with more than 30 years of combined clinical, 制药, 以及医疗通讯经验, Doyle女士创立了Phoenix Marketing Solutions, 有限责任公司, in 2002, 她在那里谈到了市场对综合医疗通信和演讲局服务合作伙伴的需求.

Recognizing the combined power of science and technology, 她领导凤凰团队开发技术先进的解决方案,解决未满足的行业监管和合规需求. Her efforts have led to industry-wide recognition, 包括在医疗保健解决方案和服务类别中享有盛誉的安永年度企业家奖. Phoenix is the proud winner of numerous growth and excellence awards in New Jersey and the business community.

In 2019, 凤凰与Telesto Digital合并,形成eNOVA -一个改变生命科学利益相关者参与的先驱. eNOVA正在解决行业对统一的参与策略和连贯的规划和执行的需求, 虚拟, 以及拥有首个也是唯一一个医疗通信统一通信与协作(UCC)平台的数字渠道, 半径直接®.



Dr. Erika哈姆登 is an astrophysicist and role model for STEM professionals. 作为迪恩·哈姆登教授的女儿, a long serving Physics and Astronomy faculty member at 十大博彩推荐排名州立, it was no wonder that she developed a love of the sciences. 她于2006年获得哈佛大学天文学和天体物理学学士学位,2014年获得哥伦比亚大学天体物理学博士学位.

她的研究重点是测量和绘制其他星系周围和我们银河系恒星形成区域内的扩散氢. 要做到这一点, 她建造了可以到达太空平流层的紫外线望远镜,并开发了传感器技术,使这些望远镜更高效.

Dr. Hamden的职业生涯凸显了决心的重要性,她用自己的经历来激励下一代STEM创新者. 在进入哈佛之前, 她在第一学期就从麻省理工学院退学了, and has learned the importance of keeping going through difficult times. 在麻省理工和哈佛之间的那段时间, she attended 十大博彩推荐排名州立 and participated in a study-abroad program. In 2019, 她被选为美国科学促进会IF/THEN大使,分享了她的STEM之旅,以及她使用这些技能解决问题和为未来创造新可能性的许多方法. 她还被选为2019年TED研究员, and spoke on the topic of “What it takes to launch a telescope.” Dr. Hamden经常在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学发表演讲,她深情地回顾了她在2006年至2012年担任韦斯顿科学学者项目导师的经历.

Dr. Hamden is currently an assistant professor at the 大学 of Arizona. Before that, she was an NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow and the R.A. 和G.B. Millikan Prize Postdoctoral Fellow in Experimental Physics at the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Hamden was awarded a Nancy Grace Roman Technology Fellowship for her detector work in 2016. 她还因在FIREBall上的工作而于2019年被授予科学家和工程师总统早期职业奖, 紫外线望远镜. 这是美国军队的最高荣誉.S. government can bestow on an early career scientist. Her broad interests have also provided her some unique experiences. Dr. Hamden做了一年的厨师,并在进入研究生院之前获得了蓝带厨艺学院的文凭. She also has a serious yoga practice and is learning to be a pilot.


Helane贝克, 79年

Helane贝克 is a managing director and senior research analyst at Cowen who covers airlines, 空运的货物, 飞机租赁. She has more than 35 years of experience on Wall Street, 在研究部门任职, 交易, and investment banking departments of several broker/dealers including Citi, 雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers), 和美邦.

她经常被评为第一名, 2, or 3 analyst by Institutional Investor magazine, as well as in the top 5 analysts by The Wall Street Journal. 她持有十大博彩推荐排名州立大学学士学位和New York 大学工商管理硕士学位. She is a member of the international honor society, Sigma, and is on the Advisory Board of the 费利西亚诺商学院 at 十大博彩推荐排名州立. Ms. 贝克尔在美国国会任职三届.S. Department of Commerce’s Travel and Tourism Advisory Board.


埃尔希Alabi-Gonzalez ' 18 ' 21 MSN

埃尔希Alabi-Gonzalez是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学(十大博彩推荐排名州立大学)首批注册护士到BSN班的一员,她获得了应用科学学位, Nursing from Essex County College eight years prior. As a registered nurse caring for adults in long term care facilities and in the community, she also served as a peer development coach during her studies at Montclair.

她管理员工发展活动, served as the lead preceptor orienting new staff nurses, and spearheaded new training programs that improved quality and care outcomes.

She also worked as a learning associate in the Essex County College Learning Center, 她在那里教英语补习课程, ran student success workshops and monitored student progress in writing and test preparation.

Ms. Alabi-Gonzalez was employed full-time while attending the RN-BSN program. Working on the cardiac-telemetry unit at Saint Barnabas Medical Center, 她继续指导新员工,并促进跨专业团队合作,以改善员工沟通. Ms. 阿拉比-冈萨雷斯于2018年获得理学学士学位. She enrolled in the MSN degree program with a specialty concentration in the educator role. Ms. 阿拉比-冈萨雷斯于2021年秋季加入十大博彩推荐排名学院,目前于2021年秋季在十大博彩推荐排名担任临床专家.

She created the Student Nurses Association with 151 nursing students enrolled under her leadership. She was appointed and trained as an RWJBH Emerging Leader at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in 2021.